What if you could spend an hour each month getting personalized advice from a leading shop expert?
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The second Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern, I host a free online Shop Owner Round Table. The next one is coming right up!
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Are You a Thermostat or a Thermometer? by Rick White, President 180BUZ
In this episode,...
The Concept of Giving by Rick White, President 180BIZ
In this season of giving, I think it's...
How to Get the Grinch Out! by Rick White, President 180BIZ
My question is, are you a Grinch? And...
Rejection is Just Redirection by Rick White, President 180BIZ
What I want to talk to you...
Getting the most from your team through Accountability
Rick White, President 180BIZ
Yes - I'm...
Getting Knocked Down by Rick White, President 180BIZ
What are we talking about today? We're...
E + R = O by Lucas Underwood
I want to talk to you about an equation, a very simple equation that...
Circle of Control by Lucas Underwood
I want to talk to you about something that I tell my...
Extreme Ownership by Lucas Underwood
It sure is a beautiful day here in Western North...
Are You Prepared to Answer "What If?" by Rick White, President, 180BIZ
I want you to just...
The Power of Erosion by Rick White, President 180BIZ
Today’s word is Erosion. What's the...
Culture of Inclusion with 4 Words by Rick White, President 180BIZ
Today's topic is four...