Just One Thing

Just One Thing

Hosted by: Rick White

Get every week started with Just One Thing to improve your business, better service your customers and watch your bottom line grow and grow! All in just 10 minutes or less!


Episode 164 - From Cop to Coach for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Are you tired of micromanaging and catching every little mistake? Discover how shifting your mindset from being a cop to a coach can transform your auto repair shop and inspire your team to reach their full potential....
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Episode 163 - Breaking Free from Future-Tripping for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Does anxiety about the future hold you back? Break free from future-tripping and discover how to live fully in the present moment. Join us for an insightful episode!
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Episode 162 - Clear the Clutter Within for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Ready to empty your emotional junk drawer? Join us to explore how letting go of past mistakes and negative experiences can propel your business and personal growth.
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Episode 161 - The Morning Routine of Champions for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Ready to elevate your morning routine? Learn how successful shop owners go from reacting to achieving with focused action and smart adjustments. Unlock the secrets to a productive dayā€”press play on this episode and...
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Episode 160 - Surviving and Thriving in Business Valleys for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Are you struggling through a rough patch in your business? Discover why the best auto repair shop owners see valleys as opportunities for growth and learn the key strategies to navigate through them successfully....
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Episode 159 - Your Current Location is Not Your Forever for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Are you feeling stuck in your business? In this episode, discover how shifting your mindset and recognizing that your current location is just a moment in time can transform your journey and help you keep moving forward.
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Episode 158 - Let Go of Perfect for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Is the pursuit of perfection stalling your progress? Tune in to discover why chasing perfection is the lowest standard you can set for yourself and how embracing imperfection can unlock your true potential and drive...
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Episode 157 - Mastering Your Daily Choices for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Every day, you make three pivotal choices: how you'll show up, what you'll focus on, and whether you'll create or react. Join us as we dive deep into these choices with John, whoā€™s questioning his own decisions and...
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Episode 156 - Vision for Success for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Are you merely surviving in your auto repair business? Discover the transformative power of double vision, a strategy that helps you dominate daily tasks while crafting a compelling vision for long-term success. Tune...
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Episode 155 - Your Potential Awaits Beyond Comfort for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Are you letting past situations and opinions define who you are? In this episode, we challenge you to stop defending your limitations and start focusing on your potentialā€”because thriving begins when you step out of...
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Episode 154 - Impact of Impressions for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Discover why impressions are the unsung heroes of business success in our latest podcast episode. Hear firsthand how the simplest details can either elevate your auto repair shop or signal a deeper need for...
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Episode 153 - Rise and Shine for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Season #1

Unlock the power within you! In our latest podcast episode, we're diving deep into breaking free from the limitations of conditioning. Discover how to shed the stories holding you back and unleash your full potential....
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