Episode 19 - Success Hacks for Auto Repair Shop Owners

What I want to do is help you with three really simple success hacks that will completely change your business. The first hack that you want to be aware of is how you position things in your brain. If you're looking at something you're going to do and you think, I've got to do this. I don't want to. It's a pain in the butt, blah, blah, blah. What kind of energy do you think you're going to bring to that activity with that kind of mindset? What kind of energy are you going to bring? It won’t be great. It will be lousy, and you’ll most likely complain about it the whole time you do it. It will make your life miserable and everyone around you. Do I have your attention now? Do you want to know what the other two really simple success hacks are?? Well then, keep listening along to get collect all three!