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Auto Repair Shop Owner's Daily Dose 45: You're Stronger Now


You're Stronger Now by Rick White, President 180BIZ

I want you to step back for a moment. Things are still a little squirrelly and a little wonky. Things are still a challenge. So, I want you to step back and recognize that you are stronger now than you were at the beginning of this situation. You are a different person. You are an empowered person. You are in a better place today than you were the day this all started when we had to cut things down and make changes.

Think about this for a moment. You learned how to get creative. You learned how to listen to your customers better.  You learned how to connect with them on things that are important to them, not you. You learned how to get things done. You learned how to start growing your audience and are getting more comfortable with that thought process. Not to get you through this virus situation, but as a skill set that you're going to use moving forward. I'm telling you; you are much stronger today. You are better today. I see you with an S on your chest because of what you've been through so far. Things are still a little scary and can still seem challenging and uncertain. 

What I want you to do is turn around. I want you to look back and see how far you've come in such a short period of time. Change is a given. It always happens, right? But sometimes change is just a gentle rain and sometimes it is hurricane with 150 mph winds. That's what we're in right now and you are weathering the storm. You are stronger because of it. You have more self-confidence whether you know it or not. Right now you're getting up every day and you're putting one foot in front of the other and you are getting to the end of the day. That is awesome.

I want you to work towards growth. Now is the time for abundance. In the beginning we had adrenaline. We had the “oh crap” factor going on and we did what we had to do. Now we're in the endurance part. This is not a sprint; it's a marathon and we are at mile marker 13. This is where we must continue doing what we've been doing with enthusiasm. We know we're making a difference because we're taking care of our families. And you're learning all these valuable lessons.

You are so much bigger than you think you are. There is so much untapped potential inside of you. Now is the time to say, “If this is what I have right now, what else is still in the tank?” You are stronger because of this. Be grateful for it. I am grateful for everything that's happened good in my life. But you know something? I stopped blaming things that went wrong in my life a long time ago. I recognize that I would not be who I am today without those circumstances and events in my life. So, I am grateful for them. They are a gift. And once you can see it that way, life will open wide for you.

Take a step back and give yourself a pat on the chest and say, “I got this. I've made it this far. I'm going the distance. And now I’ll go faster and get stronger. I’ll get bolder. I’ll get more connected with my customers. I’ll push for more cars in my base.” That's the lesson in all of this.

Thanks for being here. Have a great day and go make some money. Take care. God bless

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