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Auto Repair Shop Owners: Who is Driving Your Business?


Who is Driving Your Business?

by Rick White, President 180BIZ                                                             (Estimated Read Time 3 minutes)

Today's topic is driverless. No one is driving. That's what I see in businesses everywhere.

What does reputation come from? Reputation comes from an experience someone has. But the question is, who is driving that experience for your client? You have a reputation with vendors that's different from your clients. You have a reputation with the industry, with people that might be thinking about working with you. You have a reputation with them as well. And who is driving the experience? The reality is no one's driving because your focus is completely on getting to the end of the day. So, anything that happens is a reaction. And that is the problem today.

Look beyond today for a great reputation.

If you want a great reputation, you must look beyond today, beyond getting the cars out, beyond somebody else is out sick, beyond that comeback. That stuff happens.

The first thing to do for your reputation is answer one simple question. And that simple question is, what do you want to be known for? That creates your intention. So please ask yourself that question this week. What do you want to be known for?

What do you want to be known for?

When Brenda and I started this company, we were clear about what we wanted to be known for. And we worked every single day to create that environment. And that is the second part of this. Once you understand what you want to be known for, now you must create an environment intentionally that helps you foster that feeling.


There are three typical moments you can create. You can create a moment of mediocrity, moments of misery, or moments of magic. Mediocrity means you are no different from anyone else. People don't get excited about mediocre service. Your reviews and your reputations come from either the bad end, the misery, or the great end, the magic. It’s from either end of that spectrum.

Be intentional.

So, be intentional about it. Ask yourself two questions this week.

  1. What do you want to be known for? What do you want to be famous for? After I’m dead and gone, I want people to say, “Hey, remember Rick White, he was down to earth, he cared.” That's the reputation I want.
  2. What can I do this week to be more intentional about it?

That's it right there. Two questions, 10 minutes of thought. Ask your team, what they want to be famous for. And then take action right away. What am I going to do to be more intentional about creating that this week?

If this video is resonating with you, please share it. There are so many shop owners today that are just working so hard and seeing so little in return. And it's not because they're bad, and it's not because they're doing anything wrong, it's because they don't know any better. And I get that. I was there.

If you have a friend that you think could use some help with running t auto repair shop, please have them come into the shop owner's round table. It's absolutely free. We get about anywhere from 30 to 60 shop owners each month.

God bless. Stay safe, have some fun, and go make some money.

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