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The second Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern, I host a free online Shop Owner Round Table The next one is coming right up!

Reserve my spot!

Auto Repair Shop Owners: Are You Killing Your Shop's Potential?


Are You Killing Your Shop's Potential?

by Rick White, President 180BIZ                                                             (Estimated Read Time 3 minutes)

What I want to talk about is skill, and this is super important. Why? Because skill is a problem. Let me explain. Just about every shop owner out there is looking for help. When you're shorthanded, look for people with a certain skillset, somebody to fill a hole. There's a problem with that because it creates the wrong focus. It creates the wrong focus for you. It creates the wrong focus for your potential candidate.

Understand where you’re going.

In other words, you're focusing them on what they're doing instead of where they're going. Think about that for a second. When you have that focus, you are inadvertently creating a task focus with your potential candidate. You don't want to do that. What you want to do is get people to understand where you are going.

Having a team means having a common destination.

Having a team means having a common destination. Imagine you had a soccer team. You don't hire or recruit someone who can kick a ball and make that their only focus. Your goal is to hire someone who understands where the team is now, where they going, why they are going there, and how they will help the team get there. That is a team that is focused on where you’re going instead of being focused on what you do.

We hire people for what they can do and we fire them for who they are.

For generations in our industry, we hire people for what they can do and we fire them for who they are. Being in your shop is not about a silo. It's not about making sure you do your job. When you are in the shop, they are part of something bigger, and in the process of getting bigger, everyone gets better. Always be looking around and if you see a team member who’s struggling, go over and help them. Why? Because they're a part of your team. And you must have this mentality of “no person left behind.” Stop hiring people for what they do and start hiring people for where they're going to help you go.

Check out the Shop Owner’s Round Table

If this message is resonating with you, please share it. Some so many people need to hear this. Also, I want to remind you that on November 9th, 7:00 PM Eastern, (every second Thursday of each month) we are doing our next Shop Owner's Round Table. I would love to have you or someone you know who's a shop owner join in. But attendees must own the shop. Let’s get them some help. Let's get them some focus and direction. Better than that, let's give them some possibility and hope Let’s give them something that they can see instead of all the stuff dragging them down. Let's get people focused on where we can go. I need your help to do that.

We also have our next Pocket Business Genius webinar series on Building a Superstar Team. Each Pocket Business Genius webinar occurs at 1 PM Eastern time on the second Thursday of each month.  I’d love to see you there.

Stop hiring solo acts and hire team members.

And guess what? That is my message. Stop hiring solo acts. Hire team members. When you truly understand where you're going and you understand why it's important, you'll start to see the areas that need improvement in your business differently so that you're hiring people that want to be a part of the team first. They want to be a part of going where you are going. They want to be a part of why you're going there. And then the skillset gets filled in.

God bless. stay safe, have some fun, and go make some money.

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